1. Overview
As Host Bully adds new features and services for You, and as You add new third-party applications and software, it’s important that we inform You what support services Host Bully provides and what it does not. This Statement of Support is not intended as, and does not constitute, a binding agreement by either You or Host Bully and is merely intended to specify some of the proposed guidelines of Host Bully’s support levels on products we sell. This Statement of Support is subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of Host Bully without notice to You. Some of the products and services listed below may not be available in all markets.
2. Description of Support Services
Overall Guidance.
Not Supported:
2.1. Domain Names.
Not Supported:
2.2. Host Bully Email.
Not Supported:
2.3. Microsoft® 365.
The Microsoft 365 Statement of Support applies only to products purchased via Host Bully
Not Supported:
2.3.1 Email Add-ons
Not Supported:
2.3.2 Advanced Email Security
Not Supported:
2.3.3 Archiving
Not Supported:
2.3.4 Backup
Not Supported:
Not Supported:
2.5. Online Store
Not Supported:
2.8. WordPress.
2.8.1. WordPress (Application)
1. This error is typically caused by a configuration error with WordPress. Our support will provide a best-effort attempt to assist with regaining access to the WordPress admin panel. This can include disabling plugins/themes, options for restoring a site or disabling problematic configuration files.
2. Support for Host Bully developed open-source WordPress plugins and themes. This can include explaining general usage, features, and benefits. Questions for issues, bugs, or feature requests can be asked on the forums for the specific plugin or theme –
3.We provide limited support for Host Bully partnered 3rd party plugins. We work closely with these plugin developers to ensure their functionality with your hosting and to identify and resolve issues as they are discovered. Feature requests, usability, bugs, security, and compatibility with WordPress Core or other plugins are outside our support capabilities.
Not Supported
1. WordPress is an open-source project developed by volunteers across the globe. Issues or bugs within WordPress Core are outside our support capabilities and can be reported to the Core team directly: (
2. Typically, paid plugins and themes provide support through the site they were purchased on. Free plugin and themes support can be found on the support forums: (
2.8.2. Managed WordPress Hosting
Not Supported
* Special Note on Plugins: To ensure superior performance and security within the Managed WordPress environment we carefully review plugins. To do this, we run a nightly scan of our Managed WordPress hosting environment. Plugins that are not allowed will be removed and an email sent to the owner of the affected account.
* While we do not support custom code, with Managed WordPress we will perform a more in-depth review to determine why a plugin or theme may not function properly on our system. We cannot guarantee we can make them work, but we will do our best.
1. Identifying root cause of website performance issues – We will ensure that sending email through the web server, web serving, FTP, and your control panel are all functioning and accessible. The customer is fully responsible for the installation and correct operation of any and all modified scripts and applications. We do not troubleshoot or provide any support relating to malfunctioning customized scripts or applications.
2. Security Monitoring and Compromise Review – Our security team is on the job 24/7, monitoring your site for suspicious activity and protecting it against brute force and DDoS attacks.
3. Data Backup – Your Managed WordPress hosting includes data backups which we typically have up 30 – 90 days of data retention available, however, we do not guarantee the availability or restoration of any lost data. A restoration can be requested through your Hosting Dashboard at any time. We also recommend the customer capture and maintain a secondary backup source through another service or locally.
4. Help with your site migration to Managed WordPress – We have an automated migration process that has a high success rate. If for some reason, your migration were to fail we will review common reasons for the failure and assist with requesting a new migration.
A. Expert Services are fee-based best effort services available only from our US-based support teams and are not included with Host Bully’s free support.
2.8.3. eCommerce Managed WordPress (WooCommerce)
1. Identifying root cause of website performance issues – We will ensure that sending email through the web server, web serving, FTP, and your control panel are all functioning and accessible. The customer is fully responsible for the installation and correct operation of any and all modified scripts and applications. We do not troubleshoot or provide any support relating to malfunctioning customized scripts or applications.
2. Security Monitoring and Compromise Review – Our security team is on the job 24/7, monitoring your site for suspicious activity and protecting it against brute force and DDoS attacks.
3. Data Backup – Your Managed WordPress hosting includes data backups which we typically have up 30 – 90 days of data retention available, however, we do not guarantee the availability or restoration of any lost data. A restoration can be requested through your Hosting Dashboard at any time. We also recommend the customer capture and maintain a secondary backup source through another service or locally.
4. Help with your site migration to Managed WordPress – We have an automated migration process that has a high success rate. If for some reason, your migration were to fail we will review common reasons for the failure and assist with requesting a new migration.
Not Supported
2.9. Virtual & Dedicated Servers.
(There are differences in naming conventions for our legacy servers and next generation servers. Next generation only contains Self-Managed and Fully-Managed while the legacy contains self-managed, managed, and fully managed.
VPS4 and Dedicated 4
Not Supported:
± Only applicable for servers provisioned with cPanel or Plesk control panels
¤ Applies to Generation 4 VPS servers only
1. SSL installation is available as a paid service when a cPanel or Plesk control panel is provisioned with your server. This does not include command line, Tomcat, or IIS SSL installations. For alternative installation scenarios, Host Bully may have other paid solutions.
2. Self-managed servers provisioned with a cPanel or Plesk control panel include the ability to run backups, but must be manually run. Exception:Generation 4 Dedicated Servers:The responsibility for maintaining backups for both snapshot and disaster recovery is the sole responsibility of the customer7
3. Additional fees may apply
4. Iptables rules such as opening port 3306 for direct MySQL access or blocking an IP from accessing the server.
5. We do not provide training or education on the operation of any aspect of Internet technology. It is expected that you will have a basic understanding of Internet concepts such as DNS, email, web, web browsers, FTP, and general computer literacy.
6. Expert Services are an excellent resource to allow you to pay for common server administrative tasks that can be time consuming or require a special area of expertise while maintaining overall control of your server. Tasks are a one-time fee per service request instead of a monthly fee as with the Fully Managed plans. Expert Services are currently only available for servers provisioned with a cPanel or Plesk control panel. You can find more information about Expert Services in our Expert Services Menu.
7. Data Backup: The customer is responsible for executing and maintaining current data backups. We maintain our own data backups for any given server only in the event of disaster. We typically have up to 7 days data retention available; however, we do not guarantee the availability or restoration of any lost data. Restoration of data can be requested from our Expert Services6.
8. Fully Managed Support and Expert Services are available in the English-language only.
9. Fully Managed Support will not proactively search for malware nor can the team provide any malware scanning or removal services without the Website Security package being purchased for the domain/website in question. If the team is provided a location for the malware, FMS can remove it.
2.11. SSL Certificates.
Not Supported:
1 There’s an Expert Service for that.
2.13. Search Engine Visibility.
Not Supported:
2.14. Email Marketing.
Not Supported:
* General Host Bully C3 representatives are not able to build custom banners, but our GEM representatives are happy to help. Please email our GEM representatives with your request after purchasing your GEM plan.
2.19. Website Security.
Not Supported: