Subpoena Policy and Attorney Tips


Host Bully’s Privacy Policy prohibits the release of customer or account information without express permission from the customer, except when required by law, to conform to the edicts of the law, or to comply with legal process properly served on Host Bully or one of its affiliates. 

If you seek the identity or account information of a Host Bully customer in connection with a civil or criminal legal matter, you must fax, mail, or serve Host Bully, with a valid subpoena.


Submission of Subpoenas


Host Bully is headquartered in Fostoria, Ohio and all subpoenas should be served at that location or mailed to:

Compliance Department
Host Bully
1200 Lincoln Ave. Fostoria, OH 44830 USA


Policies Regarding E-mail


Host Bully will not produce the content of e-mail, as the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. §2701 et seq., prohibits an electronic communications service provider from producing the contents of electronic communications, even pursuant to subpoena or court order, except in limited circumstances. Host Bully’s e-mail servers do not retain deleted or sent e-mail.

Host Bully reserves the right to request a copy of the complaint and any supporting documentation that demonstrates how the Host Bully e-mail address is related to the pending litigation and the underlying subpoena.


Notice to Customer and Response Time

Upon the receipt of a valid civil subpoena, Host Bully will promptly notify the customer whose information is sought via e-mail or U.S. mail. If the circumstances do not amount to an emergency, Host Bully will not immediately produce the customer information sought by the subpoena and will provide the customer an opportunity to move to quash the subpoena in court. Host Bully reserves the right to charge an administration fee to the customer by charging the Payment Method the customer has on file with Host Bully.

Fees for Subpoena Compliance


Host Bully will charge the person or entity submitting the civil subpoena for costs associated with subpoena compliance. Payment must be made within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of the Host Bully invoice. Checks should be made out to Host Bully.

Host Bully’s subpoena compliance costs are as follows:

  • Research – $75.00/hour
  • Federal Express – Cost as Billed
  • Copies – $.25/page


Treatment of Confidential Information


Documents and information produced by Host Bully in response to a subpoena may contain confidential, proprietary, trade secret, and/or private information that warrants special protection from public disclosure. Any such documents will be designated “CONFIDENTIAL” by a stamp affixed to the documents at issue, and must be given confidential treatment by all persons and entities that access them. Confidential treatment includes the following:

First, access to CONFIDENTIAL documents must be limited to the parties in the underlying action pursuant to which the subpoena was served, their agents, and the court and its personnel. Documents designated as CONFIDENTIAL may be used during the deposition of a witness in the underlying action to whom disclosure is reasonably necessary, provided that any deposition testimony related to CONFIDENTIAL documents or portions thereof is designated “CONFIDENTIAL” and afforded treatment in the manner required by this provision.

Second, CONFIDENTIAL documents must not be filed in the public record absent a reasonable attempt to ensure the filing of such documents, and any references thereto, under seal. A party that seeks to file any motion, brief, or other document that attaches or refers to any CONFIDENTIAL document or portion thereof must take the steps necessary to request a court order sealing the CONFIDENTIAL information at issue. If the court denies a motion to seal made pursuant to this Subpoena Policy, the party may file the document(s) at issue normally, unless otherwise instructed by the court.

Third, CONFIDENTIAL documents produced in response to a subpoena may not be used for any purpose other than prosecuting or defending the action in which the subpoena is served, and must be destroyed within sixty (60) days after the final disposition of the underlying action. The person or entity that submits the subpoena is responsible for ensuring that each person or entity to whom any CONFIDENTIAL documents were made available complies with this requirement.